HCCA Hike: Deer Creek, from Brush Creek (July 13)

(Easy-Moderate, 6 mi. r/t)


Wed, July 13, 2022

8:30 AM MDT


Crested Butte Visitors Center parking lot


Elk Ave

Crested Butte, CO 81224

United States



*Important Details--please read* Hike from Brush Creek toward Gothic. This area is noted for its resplendent wildflowers, views and wetlands, bordered by wilderness and vast ranchlands. While we hope for continued abatement of virus potential, this year’s Wednesday hikes will be open to all who are fully-vaccinated against Covid-19. Proof of vaccination will be required, for the health and comfort of all. All hikes require suitable capability and acclimation, as well as water, hat, raingear, sunscreen, lunch, hiking boots, and sense of adventure. All distances are round-trip and approximate. Registered hikers meet at the Crested Butte Visitors Center parking lot at 8:30 AM and carpool to trailheads. Please bring vehicles—some destinations depend on suitable clearance. Return times will vary. We will continue to abide by Forest Service regulations and environmental ethics, limiting our group size to a maximum of 15 people each week, or fewer in certain wilderness areas. Please, no pets. We encourage you to register early and bring your friends to introduce them to these majestic mountains and to High Country Conservation Advocates. We look forward to sharing our magnificent public lands and trails with our members, and with new folks from diverse segments of the public, to whom our public lands belong. Our hikes are open to people of all races, ethnicities and persuasions. HCCA’s conservation work is multi-faceted, and we will share updates on Public Lands, Water, Stewardship and Red Lady as we enjoy our vast domain.

TICKETS Selected during registration

HCCA Hike - Deer Creek, from Brush Creek (July 13)
